Oct 6, 2015

Dear Self: Release Pain, Repair Strength

Dear Self, 
Be Strong.
Love, Self

Last night, you had the pleasure of meeting your idol. Alex Elle--author + creator. 

You decided that it was time for you to do something good for your self by yourself. 

So last night after a long and hard day of work, you went home, got dressed and rushed out the door without even grabbing a bite to eat.

You did all of this not knowing what lie ahead of you . Not knowing if it would be the right environment for you. 

You are already protective of your space. But you still decided to go. 

Blind and scared, you parked your car and inhaled deeply then sighed. 

You walked to the door of Yoga Del Sol with uncertainty. 

Still scared, you decided to keep walking and climbing. When you reached the top of the stairs, there was a piece of heaven waiting for you. 

A little piece of heaven. A little piece of healing. A little piece of joy.

Warmed faces greeted you. Laughter filled the room along with love.

Right then, you knew that this was the place you needed to be. This event was created for you-- simply put.

As you mingled and let your guard down, you began to feel at home. 

Right at home with complete strangers. Who knew that this was even possible. 

You sat down in a lazy staff pose not knowing what would come next.

As the hostess began to speak, you had reassurance that your journey and self-walk was just as important as theirs. 

You participated in a meditation led by the Holistic Practitioner, Almila Kakinc. 

A meditation that was truly needed for you to feel more self aware.

Next, you participated in a writing meditation led by Alex Elle.

You wrote on a small cloud blue sticky note something you are releasing. 

In this moment, in that moment you decided to release P A I N. 

A weight was automatically lifted but there is a deep rooted cause to this pain that you need to face.

So, you wrote on a big cloud blue sticky note something you are replacing that pain with.

After a quick sigh, you wrote S T R E N G T H.

In that moment, in this moment you decide to be strong. 

Dear Self,
Be thankful for your struggles.
Love, Self

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