Hello there, I am Patience.
A black woman, aspiring entrepreneur, spiritual learner and self-love advocate. I believe that self-love and self-care are vital for your mental health. I have been a victim of depression, anxiety and self-loathing since my adolescent years. At the age of 19, I decided that a big change needed to happen in my life in order for me to be filled. So among other changes, I started to use my online presence to share my self-love journey. Since making this change, I have touched males and females near and far with my words and my vulnerability. With that being said, you will find this journal to be my sacred space. I will share many personal things here with you. I will be 100% honest with myself here with you. I will share the good times and the bad times of my journey here with you. This can be our sacred space--no judging, no self-loathing, no bullying. Just love. Pure and genuine love.
Also, I think it is important to state that prior to this "awakening" at the age of 19, I believed that fashion was my calling. Of course, it is still a passion of mine and will still be touched on here and there on my online journal but it is not my main purpose and priority for this space.
With this online journal, I hope to help you with the parts of your life that are subconsciously holding you back from happiness and inner peace. With sprinkles of fashion, yoga and other things I love here and there. If you are up for the ride, subscribe to the journal and share it with your loved ones.