Jan 17, 2015

A Letter From Me To You

Hello loves,

I know I have been away from Broke City Grl for the past week or so but I needed time to my self. With that being said, I felt the need to do this letter to you all just explaining what has been going on in my personal life and where I plan to take this blog in the future. Before I get started, I would first like to thank you all for your endless support and LOVE. I have truly been overwhelmed by how much feedback I have been getting from you guys. It is truly amazing and that is what keeps me motivated day in and day out. First, I want to share the back story to Broke City Grl. I realized that I have not shared why I truly created this blog and what actually made me want to start blogging. Throughout middle and high school I was very interested in fashion, it was seriously all I thought about. I was super excited when I found out that my high school offered Fashion Marketing elective courses. So of course I just had to sign up. Although, my desire for fashion was so deep I had no idea what career I would pursue in fashion. That was until one day we had a guest speaker in our class. Her name was Kathryn Martin. She inspired me so much. She is a personal stylist and shopper in this area. I had no idea that there was a fashion career that consisted of what I do everyday for myself. During my senior year, we were able to do an internship and I hunted Kathryn Martin down. I was in disbelief when she said I could intern with her. The internship would go for about 5-6 weeks. We had tons of fun and we grew a close relationship since then. She has helped me tremendously through out the years as a great mentor. I was able to accomplish so many things and meet so many different people while working with her. Some of which I built relationships with as well (such as the owner and manager at The Shoe Hive). After my internship, I realized that becoming a stylist or personal shopper would definitely be something I could pursue in fashion. I knew that it would be hard work, as it is revolved around networking. The saying "It's not what you know, it's who you know" is very true to a certain extent. So with the help of my family, they pushed me to start this blog. I created it my junior year in high school. I had a lot to learn of course and I am still learning but blogging has become apart of me. Broke City Grl is my escape in many ways. It is where I can express myself without judgment.

Now to spill the beans about my personal life. As you all may know, I am currently a full time student at NOVA pursuing my Associate's Degree in Business Administration. Next fall I plan to transfer back to Virginia Commonwealth University or transfer to Marymount University to finish my Bachelor's Degree in Fashion Merchandising.  If you all have any comments on either school please put them below. I would love to hear them all. A while back I was accepted into my dream college in Los Angeles California, FIDM. Due to financial and personal reasons, I was unable to go. I was very sad but I knew that it wasn't meant to be. As of right now I have A LOT on my mind. I work full time as well and my job is currently undergoing drastic changes. Basically, I don't know what school I want to attend or where/if I will be working in the near future. I'm pretty stressed out. Anyway, I am telling you all of this so you can understand why my blog is not in tip top shape. My photographs are not professionally taken and I cannot always be consistent with my post. It truly makes me feel disappointed in my self because I want to put out great content for you all. So that was one of my resolutions for the new year. In the near future, once everything settles down and I am in better spirits, I will be seeking a local free-lance photographer to assist me with my blog (if you are interested please email me). I will also be starting my YouTube Channel. I have been told several times that I need to start a channel so I am finally going to listen and start one this spring. You all will get more information on that as it is in the works. I also wanted to update you all on the America's Next Top Model contest. Unfortunately, I was not selected to move on to the next level and be apart of cycle 22. BUT that will not stop me from pursuing a modeling career. God always has a plan for us and when my time comes he will let me know. I thank you all for taking the time and reading this letter. Please continue to support me throughout my journey and if you all are beginner bloggers link your blog below in the comment section! I would love to check them out.

Yours Truly,

Change is coming.


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