Feb 8, 2015

Catching Up + Photo Shoot

Hi Loves! I first want to thank you all for your patience with me. I have been crazy busy and I am so sorry for completely neglecting you all. But I will say, I have so much great things in store for Broke City Grl. I am happy to announce that I finally found a free-lance photographer to assist me with my blog. I will be doing a post on her pretty soon so you all can meet her! I can assure you guys that big things are soon to come. 
On another note, I wanted to share this amazing photo shoot with you all. I was delighted to collaborate with a few local artist for this beautiful Audrey Hepburn inspired photo shoot. I had always loved styling photo shoots as it is definitely something I am highly interested in. So when this opportunity came along, I absolutely could not give it up. 

S T Y L I N G  D E T A I L S:
White Blouse- Forever 21 for $19.99
Flowered Headpiece- Created by Anthony Wright 
Feathered Hat- Nordstrom Rack (not sure of the brand) for $30
Black Dress- Forever 21 for $25
Grey and White Shift Dress- T.J. Maxx for $35
Pearls- Thrifted for $7
Burgundy Hat- Thrifted for $14
Waist Blazer- Thrifted for $15

This shoot was indeed very inspirational for me and I am so thankful for the opportunity and the creative team behind it. The photographer is Anthony Wright. He is a local photographer in the DMV area. You must check out his work! The make-up artist is also local. Her name is Crystal Rhone, she is a free-lance,self-taught makeup artist. The beautiful model is Roshelle. She has been modeling for a few years now. She is also free-lance artist based in this area. I will include the links to their personal Instagram and websites below. Be sure to check out their work. 

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Love ya! 


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