Sep 21, 2014

Bare Minerals: Bareskin Foundation Review

Happy Sunday my loves. I am coming to you all with another product review. For months I have been wanting to try the new Bare Minerals Bareskin Pure Brightening Foundation. Finally, last week I went into Ulta by my house and consulted with a Bare Minerals Rep. She was so nice and the experience was awesome. After an hour or so with a ton of questions and a few applications of the foundation I found the perfect match. If you all are not familiar with the foundation it feels like a serum once you apply it to your face. It seems very oily and dewy but as it sets it is pretty matte. You have to purchase the foundation brush as well. The brush works wonders with this foundation. At first I was skeptical of buying the brush but I am glad I did! The brush is so soft and sleek. The foundation is fair/medium coverage so it is perfect for everyday looks. Overall my experience with these products have been great! 

I can pretty much say the Bareskin foundation is my new favorite foundation! 


  1. Hello love!
    Despite it not being Halloween yet; will you being doing post on Halooween makeup looks or Halloween outfits looks?

    1. Hey there!

      I am putting together a few looks for Halloween. I should have them up in about a week or so! Anything you would personally like to see? Let me know.


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