Mar 31, 2016

Ruth Barzel's Spring Lookbook 2016

After being away for more than a month, I am so happy to be back in your presence again. I know some of you may not want to be friends any longer and I can accept that. Understand that I have been away for too long trying to get my self-esteem higher, my life prioritized and my aura cleansed. With all of this negativity around us every day, it is important to cleanse your spirits and keep good energy around and within you. For me, the best way to focus on doing just that is to put all of my energy into it. So writing and journaling had to sit on the back burner for a while.
 However, today I wanted to share with you an amazing collaboration I did this past month with Ruth Barzel, a local jewelry designer. If you have been following my journey since the beginning, you may remember our first collaboration in 2014. I had more hair then and I had just turned 18 years old--boy how times have changed. As the universe may have it, me and Ruth kept in touch after that. In the fall of 2015 she reached out to me to discuss another opportunity to collaborate for her spring lookbook. I immediately jumped to the opportunity. My first experience with her was enjoyable so it was an easy yes for me. This time around there was to be a different setting and an overall different concept. Yet her delicate jewelry pieces still remained beautiful and elegant.
We did the photoshoot at Sweet Lime Portrait Design in Arlington, VA. The studio was beautiful and the photographer, Michelle Hayes made sure I was comfortable with the environment. Being in front of the camera can feel awkward if you are not completely comfortable with the environment, photographer and even your overall appearance. If  you are not comfortable it will surely look like so in the photos you take. So for that, I graciously thank Michelle. For having me and for being kind to me.
Now looking at these photos, I have to say I am proud of myself and thankful for my strength. Before the shoot took place, I was worried about my acne and acne scars. I had been battling with anxiety due to the breakouts that took over my face. I began to question it all. I expressed these feelings to Ruth and she was very understanding and was willing to make it work, whatever "it" would be. Her support and understanding is what helped me muster up the courage to move forward with the shoot. Lucky for me, I had 2 beautiful and supportive women in the studio to uplift my spirit--and that they did. After all of the uncertainty, I am more than pleased with how the photographs turned out. Although I do not see myself pursuing a modeling career, I enjoy working with local designers and artist because it shows a sense of community and that is something we are in dire need of.
If you are interested in seeing the entire lookbook or purchasing any of the jewelry pieces designed by Ruth Barzel, click the link below.

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