Oct 20, 2014

Sporty Casual

I've been on the ball with my outfit post this week. I wanted to share a lot of my looks with you all because I felt as though I don't do it often. So here is another post dedicated to an outfit styled by me. I consider this look very sporty and casual. That is exactly what I was going for. I had 3 midterms today and I was just completely out of it. I hate looking completely dead and rugged even if that is how I am feeling. So on my off days, I usually throw on something like this. It's still very fashionable and it looks like I actually tried before coming out of the house.

My shoes are the highlight of this look. I found these shoes last year at DSW in Bailey's Crossroads in Virginia. This was back when I worked there so I got an amazing deal on them. They are the Nike Air Vortex sneakers, they retail at about $80. They are super comfortable which is why I love them so much. My pants are from Forever 21. They were about $15 so they were definitely a great fashion find. They fit like leggings but they are denim. My tee shirt is a Basic piece from H&M. I love this tee because it is very long. Long tees are perfect for layering in the fall and winter. It was only $5 and they have a ton of colors! My cardigan is also from H&M. My favorite thing about this cardigan is the pocket design. It adds a tad bit more flare to the piece.

I also wanted to give you guys a quick selfie of my everyday makeup. I wear this look everyday unless I am going out or wanting a little bit more. I use minimal makeup for this look and it takes me about 10 minutes to complete it. I jazz it up with different lip colors sometimes but for today, I chose a mute and nude lip color. It seemed more appropriate.

I hope you all liked this post! Stay tuned loves


  1. Hi Patience,
    My name is Maiya and I had a question. Well I know nowadays the trend is wearing sneakers with dresses/skirts (Solange, Rihanna ect.)- I was wondering of you would do a post on how you would style such bold sneakers with a dress/skirt for the fall.
    Thank You

    1. Hi Maiya!

      Such a beautiful name and I love the way it is spelled. I would love to do a "how to wear" post for this new trend. It is easier to put together than you think :)

      Stay tuned. I will have it up by the end of the week!


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