Aug 21, 2014

Rugged Chic

Rugged Chic
This morning I woke up feeling dreadful. I was tired, mad at the world and completely out of it. My mood inspired me to style this outfit diary. When I am in a bad mood, my outfit always reflects that mood. If I am angry or upset, I tend to wear darker colors with a little more edge. This outfit, in my opinion, reflects a grumpy, rugged mood. You know those days when you hate everyone and just feel like everyone is in your way? Well this outfit is perfect for a day like that! In one word, I would describe this look as rugged. Not in the literal meaning but as in edgy and tough. This is also a great transitional outfit from summer into fall. There is still less coverage for a warmer day (around 70 degrees) but the colors are very dark thus creating the perfect balance of summer and fall.

When dealing with black and gray outfits, I always like to incorporate something that brings it all together. A piece that balances the black and gray tones perfectly. In this case, that piece is the scarf. It has the perfect colors in it that completes this look. The accents compliment the shaggy gray jumpsuit as well as the dusty black vest. The shoes and the backpack add so much flare to this look!  They make the look very edgy and they add a sense of toughness to the look that will make any girl feel completely bad***. This look is one of my favorites thus far.
Don't be afraid to try it out!

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